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Frequently Asked Questions

Starting this new chapter in your academic and professional life is exciting and, this year, also stressful due to the current pandemic.  The purpose of this webpage is to provide you with information about our teaching strategy for the Fall semester to help you plan your Undergraduate journey at CATÓLICA-LISBON.

As we are adapting to the context as it changes we will be updating this page with the most updated information.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Our students come from every corner of the world, so some of you may face greater uncertainty related to travel limitations.  Exceptionally, if you cannot obtain a visa or travel to Portugal by August 31st or face other restrictions related to travelling that prevents you from physically attending classes, you will be able to follow classes remotely and synchronously,  i.e., in real time (Lisbon Timezone). This special status should be asked upon filling in a form request for exemption from physical presence at School and delivering necessary support documentation (travel itinerary, boarding passes, medical declarations, etc).  This status will be exclusively limited to the period in which travelling restrictions apply, being the students expected to return to campus as soon as possible. 

In case you belong to one of the groups of risk defined by health authorities, or you live with someone belonging to one of those groups, a special status can be requested to attend classes remotely. This special status should be asked upon filling in a form request for exemption from physical presence at School and delivering necessary support documentation. 

Classrooms have been equipped with video conferencing technology, allowing remote students to interact with the instructor and classmates in real-time; Instructors will place in the moodle the zoom or teams link to access the class environment.

The school has adopted a colour scheme system to guarantee that social distance is respected at the school.




Your professor will share in each one of your courses Moodle pages the link to access the classes remotely. If you have any questions, please contact

For the moment, exams are expected to be taken physically on CATÓLICA-LISBON campus. This may change according to the pandemic evolution in the next weeks/ months. Unless the pandemic situation changes, all the mid-term exams, the end-term exams and the final exams are expected to be taken physically on CATÓLICA-LISBON campus.

Just like we have been promoting the physical presence of our students at the school, also our midterms will take place at the school. This will of course demand the use of a number of rooms larger than what we are used to, in order to guarantee the respect of the required social distance. We ask your comprehension to this fact. Please check in advance which room you are allocated to, in order to avoid having to walk back and forth searching for the right room.

Your Professors will provide you with detail about this. Some courses may ask you to complete exams on paper, while other courses may ask you to complete the exams in your own laptops. In case the format of exams on laptop is used please pay attention to the fact that we don’t have many electrical plugs to recharge laptops in the classrooms, being therefore important to bring your laptops fully charged. We will also be offering some “charging spots” in the rooms.

All students will be asked to come to school to complete their exams with exception of:

(1) those that due to pandemic may have been placed in quarantine by Health Authorities and;
(2) those that have been prevented from flying from their home countries. Only these two specific circumstances will be considered as eligible for remote exams.  This status needs to a priori be formally validated by student affairs upon sharing the relevant official documents.

To those that will be allowed to take exams remotely please note that an extra evaluation moment will be scheduled to validate knowledge. This may take place immediately after the exam is completed or in a pre-defined schedule defined by your Professors. In case this extra evaluation moment is not conclusive, students may be asked, in addition, to participate in a formal oral examination and the midterm/exam grade will depend on their performance in this oral exam.

The courses will follow the hybrid teaching model that we developed to optimize course experience, within the constraints of the current health and safety protocols.  Our goal is to maintain the value of the on-campus interactions and learning, while ensuring the safety and protection of all members of our community. We strongly encourage you to participate in the hybrid teaching model, so you cannot attend all courses remotely unless for the reasons mentioned in the first and second FAQs above.

Learn in Action activities will be delivered on campus.

If you need further details or assistance, please contact the Learn in Action team:

The School has shifted to a hybrid teaching model that combines on-Campus with on-line sessions in real-time. This means that you still have to follow the regular schedule for all classes and learning activities.  If you are outside of Portugal, please keep in mind that all schedules are based on Portugal’s time zone.

In case you desire to withdraw from your Exchange program, you must contact Outgoing Office to get the most accurate information about the procedures - e-mail

Common signs of Covid-19 infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, please report them to the national health authorities at SNS 24: 808 24 24 24 (in Portugal) or the health authorities of the country where you are currently in.

Please familiarise yourself with the latest Portuguese National Health Authority Covid-19 advice. We recommend revisiting this advice regularly, as it is likely to be reviewed, and updated.

In order to help us keep track of students regarding Covid-19 health issues, please also contact Undergraduate (

The health authorities recommend that anyone in direct contact with someone diagnosed positive for Covid-19 should be in isolation until 14 days have passed from the date of exposure. In case you manifest any symptoms please report them to the national health authorities at SNS 24: 808 24 24 24 (in Portugal) or the health authorities of the country where you are currently.

We are collaborating with the health authorities keeping track of students, faculty, and staff. We will inform you immediately if we become aware of any possible contact you may have had in School with someone diagnosed positive so that you can take adequate prevention measures.

The School has implemented the following safety measures:

  • Everybody must check body temperature every day and if any symptoms associated with Covid-19 are detected, they must stay at home.
  • It is mandatory to wear a mask on Campus and always walk on the right side to avoid crossing with other people.
  • There are hand sanitizers at the entrance of the building, next to the vending machines and classrooms.

The courses will follow the hybrid teaching model that we developed to optimize course experience, within the constraints of the current health and safety protocols. Our goal is to maintain the value of the on-Campus interactions and learning while ensuring the safety and protection of all members of our community.

CATÓLICA-LISBON has received both the COVID SAFE certification from APCER and the COVID OUT certification from ISQ, being the first and only Portuguese business school to obtain double safety certificate.

  • Always wear a mask.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth using the bend of your elbow or a tissue while coughing.
  • Avoid touching the doors and handles.
  • Always use the right side of the hallway.
  • Keep the social distance of 2 meters (6 feet).

In case you need medical assistance, you should contact the national health authorities at SNS 24 by calling 808 24 24 24.

For more specific information, please contact Undergraduate Student Affairs ( or Incoming Exchange (

If you feel sick, you should contact the national health authorities at SNS 24 by calling 808 24 24 24

The emergency number in Portugal is 112.  You can call regarding any emergency that requires an ambulance, fire department or police. Do not hang up if you call by mistake, tell the operator everything is fine. Otherwise assistance can be sent.

Given the current safety restrictions, there are no rooms or spaces provided for group work on campus. We kindly ask you to continue to schedule all your group meetings in a virtual environment.

In the first phase of Campus reopening, the capacity of rooms and common spaces is very reduced in order to comply with current safety restrictions. The school building has some spaces equipped for individual work.  Due to safety measures, they will be limited to use by students who need to wait for the next class or to take an online session scheduled immediately before or after a physical class.  We kindly ask you to continue to schedule all your group meetings in a virtual environment and use these spaces only when needed to bridge your schedule, as described above. For your safety, these areas will be regularly sanitized. They are located in the main hallway in floor 1, and complement the outside seating spaces on the same floor, opened since the start of the school year.

The Cafeteria is open. Service and table layout were adapted to comply with current safety restrictions. The cafeteria tables are only for eating and cannot be used for studying, since capacity is already greatly reduced.

Card Store

Location: Building IV on floor 0
You need to take a ticket to “Loja do Cartão” and wait for your turn. Here you can recharge you student card so you can use it for parking or printing.
Near the entrance of the campus there is a machine where you can also recharge your student card.

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm


Photocopy Center (Duplix)


Location: Building IV on floor 0
You need to take a ticket to “Duplix” and wait for your turn.
Please be aware that only 2 students are allowed inside the store at the same time.

(+351) 217 214 025

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday:
9:00 am to 6:30 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon)


Library João Paulo II (BUJPII)


Location: Building IV on floor 3.
To access the library you need to make a reservation through an online form. Please be aware that the group study rooms are not available.

(+351) 217 214 011

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday:
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm


Book Store


Location: Building IV on floor 0

(+351) 217 214 024

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday:
8:30 am to 6:15 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon)


The Undergraduate Student Affairs Team will continue to provide all support to students remotely. Until further notice, on site services are suspended and e-mail interaction and telephone assistance are the main communication resources.

Email the Undergraduate Student Affairs Team :
Talk with someone from the Undergraduate Student Affairs Team:
​(+351) 217 214 100 | 217 214 228 | 217 225 076 
Monday to Friday
10:00 am - 12.30 pm
2.30 pm - 4.00pm
Lisbon Time

Stay safe, We Stand UNITED!

To access your remote classes, follow the steps below:


Your classes will start at the time indicated on your ESCA schedule. You must attend your section timetable and keep in mind that our classes’ schedule is based on Lisbon time zone.

e-SCA Access
Schedules Timetable in our Website


Your professors will share a link in your courses’ Moodle pages. This link gives you remote access to classes. Please check your course Moodle page carefully – each professor can share the link in different areas of the Moodle page (e.g.: in Announcements, or as a Topic, or as a Message).

We recommend that you access the Moodle page at least 10 minutes before your class starts to be sure that you have the access link.

Moodle Access
(NOTE: You must use your e-SCA credentials to access Moodle.)


The link shared by your professor can be either Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Zoom: Access the link and wait for access to class.

Microsoft Teams: Access the link and wait for access to class. (In a first phase you will access your class as a guest; once you activate your Microsoft account, you will join as an authenticated user.)

Useful links:

Microsoft Teams Student Support 


Digital Resources at CATÓLICA-Lisbon 

As a CATÓLICA-LISBON student, you have access to several e-services, digital resources and IT resources:


Digital Resources

IT Resources

Your student platform is e-SCA . Here you will find your academic information like grades, tuition fees and receipts. You will also use this platform to enroll in your elective courses and make any formal requests you may need.

If you are having problems with your Microsoft Teams Account, please send an e-mail to Make sure you mention your student number and add any necessary print screens to illustrate your problem.

If you need support with Zoom, please contact the IT Department, using the following e-mail: