Luxury and Design-Based Strategies - 4th Trimester 2017/2018

Rita Torres Baptista / 3.5 ECTs / Trimester-Long Course / Inglês

The Course is a dive into the luxury and design-based industries, with a focus on strategy, innovation and marketing. It is structured as to provide students with the distinctive principles for effective management of luxury and design-based businesses, brands, products and services. The Course explores how luxury and design-based firms and industries have been successful, and what other businesses could learn from them. The Course offers a broad overview of the luxury concepts and trains students on how to use those concepts to work in Strategy, Consulting, Innovation or Marketing, in the luxury or design-based industries, or in any other sector where those strategies may be relevant.

Prerequisites: Yes (see syllabus)


Professor Associado com Agregação
É Doutorada em Estratégia Empresarial (École Polytechnique, Paris), Mestre em Gestão (Université Paris Dauphine) e Licenciada em Economia e Gestão (École…