Advanced Excel - 1st & 2nd Trimester 2017/2018

1 ECTs / 10h30 | Trimester-Long Course / Inglês

This course will focus on advanced spreadsheet features and modelling with Excel. We will use a “learn by doing” modular approach with real life examples. At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Use advanced conditional formatting and data validation
  • Use advanced functions and formula including array functions
  • Master Goal Seek, Solver, Tables, Scenarios and Pivot Tables
  • Create and Edit Macros
  • Create Models that are easy to navigate and use them to assist your decision making process

Prerequisites: Yes (see syllabus)


Regente Residente
Licenciatura em Eng. Electrotécnica pelo Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Ensina Excel avançado nos programas de mestrado, Excel, Excel programação…