Published on July 10 2024​

  • Quarterly Newsletter (Summary), 76 - 2024:Q1

 Published on April 10 2024​

 Published on January 17 2024​

 Published on October 11 2023​

 Published on 5 July 2023

 Published on 5 April 2023

Published on 18 January 2023

Published on 12 October 2022

Published on 6 July 2022

Published on 6 April 2022

Published on 19 January 2022

Published on 13 October 2021

Published on 7 July 2021

Published on 14 April 2021

Published on 20 January 2021

Published on 7 October 2020 

Published on 8 July 2020 

Published in Portuguese on 23 March 2020

Published on 22 January 2020 

Published on 9 October 2019

Published on 10 July 2019

Published on 10 April 2019

Published on 23 January 2019

Published on 10 October 2018

Published on 11 July 2018

Published on 11 April 2018

Published on 17 January 2018

Published on 11 October 2017

Published on 12 July 2017

Published on 12 April 2017

Published on 18 January 2017

Published on 12 October 2016

Published on 13 July 2016

Published on 13 April 2016

Published on 20 January 2016 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 14 October 2015 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 8 July 2015 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 15 April 2015 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 21 January 2015 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 15 October 2014 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 9 July 2014 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 16 April 2014 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 22 January 2014 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 16 October 2013 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 10 July 2013 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 17 April 2013 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 23 January 2013 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 17 October 2012 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 4 July 2012 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 18 April 2012 (only available in Portuguese)

Published on 25 January 2012 (only available in Portuguese)

Research Papers and Thematic Reports

Aside from its usual Quarterly Newsletter on the short-term behavior of the Portuguese economy, Católica Lisbon Forecasting Lab | NECEP also produces Thematic Reports. Each year, NECEP intends to put together a Thematic Report on the Government Budget for the following year. 

Thematic Report number 29
"Analysis of the Government Budget for 2021"

View the summary here as a PDF (in Portuguese only).