Leadership in Action

“There are no born leaders” – this is the assumption in which the Program is based. Leaders are made, it is all a question of practice, guided and disciplined practice. The reason why this program is very pragmatic, and action driven.

clock Created with Sketch.
Duration 14 hours
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Price 1.300€


Sharing experiences is a key part of the program, and class discussions will be “conducted” in Team Coaching mode. Very interactive Sessions, through the realization of various activities in the room ("Value Cards"; "Inspiring Shared Vision"; "Strategy Game", "Broken Squares"; "Toss it Around"; "Where should I go") and didactic presentation of videos. 

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Workshop, participants will be able to…

…recognize the importance of Values. You will have reflected on your own ones, and you will be eager to, jointly with your team, define what unites you through the values. Having recognized the importance of Values, you'll be able to answer the following questions:

  • Why is it important to clarify and declare my Values?
  • What do I really stand for?
  • How can I define a process to discuss our Values as a Team?

…know what defines an inspiring Vision and the process to build it together with your team. Having recognized the importance of building a Vision, you'll be able to answer the following questions:

  • What defines an inspiring Vision?
  • How can I engage in a process to build a Vision together with my Team?

…understand the relevance of Questioning everything around us and the processes to do so. Being a great Listener and allowing Challenge can only bring better results. To be aware that without risk taking, little can be achieved, and innovation is the name of the game. Having recognized that we live-in fast-moving markets, you'll be able to answer the following questions:

  • Why is it important to continuously challenge myself? What do I need to do for that to   happen?
  • How can risk-taking lead to Innovation?
  • How can I create a solid process for my Team to stay on top of “what is happening”?

…understand that the Trust you place on those working for you is the basis of a successful team. When “space” is given to every team member, they usually surprise you. Developing their self-esteem and promoting their professional and personal growth will be the reward for this manifestation of confidence. Having recognized the paramount importance of Trust, you'll be able to answer the following questions:

  • What makes a trusting individual? How to build a Trustful environment within the Team?
  • How do I give my Team more “space”?
  • What are the actions that generate powerful or powerless team members?

…distinguish the real impact of recognizing the performance of others, of saying “thank you” and celebrating. When one enters the office, nothing is left at the door, the whole human being goes in, and it is this human being that must be taken care of, led from the heart. Having recognized the importance of Leading from the Heart, you'll be able to answer the following questions:

  • How important is to recognize and reward individual and team performance?
  • What is a meaningful Recognition?
  • How can I create an environment where regular Celebration happens?

In this video, the program's Director, Nuno Moreira da Cruz, presents its contents (video available only in portuguese):


Nuno Moreira da Cruz

Assistant Professor (Guest). Executive director of the Center for Responsible Business & Leadership at CATÓLICA-LISBON. Nuno Moreira da Cruz graduated in Law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon; got his Master Degree in European Studies at College of Europe in Brussels (Belgium), and an MBA in IE Business School (Madrid)

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